Remote Learning
Remote Learning
The information shared on this page is designed to support parents and students to understand the remote learning offer at our academy. What is expected of the academy, what is expected of the students and how it all works. More in-depth detail has been provided to parents throughout the year through letter home and news updates, however, this page serves as a reminder of key points.
To view the recent communication about Remote Learning, please click here!
Click here to view our Remote Learning Information for Parents and Carers
SEN Support
Useful information, advise and tips for parents/carers
Learning is not just confined to the Classroom and the Academy walls, learning can be done at home too.
The resources provided have been selected by the teachers at Byron to enable our pupils to continue their learning at home. The links include programmes, systems and worksheets that we use in the academy. There are also some links to sites that offer extensive learning pages that include quizzes and learning games.
Academy learning resources for home learning
Helpful learning websites
Once at the Twinkl homepage sign up as a new user using your email and choose a memorable password. In the offer code box enter UKTWINKLHELPS - This will enable you access to the site to download resources.